Tokyo Apartments with Built-In Ovens | Kitchens for the home chef!

Kitchens in Japan don't usually have inbuilt ovens, which can come as a shock to new expats! Most Japanese dishes can be made with a stovetop, grill, and rice-cooker, so ovens aren't considered a necessity. Of course, this makes cooking difficult for foreign residents who rely on ovens back home to bake all their favorite recipes.

Small ovens that double as microwaves (オーブンレンジ ōbun-renji in Japanese) can be easily bought online or in electronics stores such as Bic Camera. These are great for cakes or a couple of trays of meat and veggies, however, they will struggle to fit a Christmas turkey. Even built-in ovens in Japan are on the small side, but they can save you precious shelf space and it's one less appliance to buy.

Listed below are some rare gems - apartments in Tokyo that come with an oven! The properties shown have been hand-picked by our team so if you don't find what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us for a custom search.

If you don't find what you're looking for, please contact us for a custom search of the Tokyo real-estate databases. We'll find the perfect apartment to match your life and style.

Tokyo Apartments with Built-In Ovens | Kitchens for the home chef!

Kitchens in Japan don't usually have inbuilt ovens, which can come as a shock to new expats! Most Japanese dishes can be made with a stovetop, grill, and rice-cooker, so ovens aren't considered a necessity. Of course, this makes cooking difficult for foreign residents who rely on ovens back home to bake all their favorite recipes.

Small ovens that double as microwaves (オーブンレンジ ōbun-renji in Japanese) can be easily bought online or in electronics stores such as Bic Camera. These are great for cakes or a couple of trays of meat and veggies, however, they will struggle to fit a Christmas turkey. Even built-in ovens in Japan are on the small side, but they can save you precious shelf space and it's one less appliance to buy.

Listed below are some rare gems - apartments in Tokyo that come with an oven! The properties shown have been hand-picked by our team so if you don't find what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us for a custom search.

If you don't find what you're looking for, please contact us for a custom search of the Tokyo real-estate databases. We'll find the perfect apartment to match your life and style.

Tokyo Apartments with Built-In Ovens | Kitchens for the home chef!

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