The anticipation and excitement of Japanese summers is one felt by all ages. Schools are out, and it's the season for summer festivals and fireworks displays. Beaches turn into little resorts with their ‘Umi no Ies’ beach huts, and people escape to the beautiful rivers...

Above are photos from a unit in Pias Futakotamagawa   Now- more than ever- is a great time to move to open spaces.  Jobs requesting remote work and the uncertainty of schools reopening has maybe left you and your family in a smaller city apartment, feeling a...

  Are you a fur ball lover and ready to find your perfect companion? Tokyo has a large number of pets ready to be adopted and find their forever families. Compared to the West, where pet shops seem to be on the decline, you'll notice a...

Institut français du Japon (IFJ) is the official French government center of language and culture in Japan, attached to the French Embassy in Japan. The Institut français du Japon works to share the French language and culture, by relying on its network of five branches, in...

So you're a working professional, and you've realized that Japan is a country that you'd like to live and work in. Or maybe you're just out of college, you love Japan, and you're wondering how to get a job in Japan. Whatever your life and career...

Whether you are a die-hard gym rat, a health enthusiast, or want to get in shape for an upcoming holiday, everyone's goal is to find a gym that best suits them for their Tokyo lifestyle. Working out and getting healthy are some of the best...

Living in a foreign country can be exciting with all the new adventures and cultural experiences. So you can continue living your new life adventure, it's best to know where to go, in case you fall ill or have an accident. Whether it is the...

Are you loving your Tokyo life, living in the big city? (We hope so!! But if getting a new apartment would improve your life- we can help with that! :-) ) The only downfall of living in the city, could be the lack of grocery stores,...

2023 Update:   A more recent 2023 article on payment apps can be found here   Have you been living in Tokyo for some time now and getting tired of walking around with loads of cash in your wallet? Soon to live in Tokyo and want to know what...