Park Axis Shibuya Sakuragaoka West
Condominium style luxury living, in a quiet part of Shibuya!
Shibuya in general, is quite an active and crazy area, but walking several minutes from the station, there are many peaceful and quiet spots! One of those areas is Sakuragaokacho, which is where this apartment building- and its neighbor building, Park Axis Shibuya Sakuragaoka South- are located. Luxury and peace, near the heart of one of the most active areas in the world!
6 min walk to Shibuya station.
13 min walk to Daikanyama station.
14 min walk to Ebisu station.
Pet consultation possible (1 small dog, or up to 2 cats). Upright piano consultation possible.
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The price of an apartment will vary depending on its features, the age of the building, and distance from the train station. Keeping this in mind, the average rent for an apartment in Shibuya is approximately ¥4.994 per square meter (¥464/ft²).
1 Schlafz.
2 Schlafz.
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